Each Year Through the Automotive Aftermarket 10,000 lives saved LEARN MORE ABOUT VISION ZERO ZERO Our goal: Traffic-related Fatalities Learn More Technology Through safer roads Learn More Smart Techs Need smart cars Find VZAN Preferred Technicians

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All of Us. Together.

With the goal of zero fatalities from traffic accidents by 2025, The Vison Zero Automotive network is building a collaborative effort within the automotive community.

As companies, organizations, groups and individuals who share a common goal to save lives, we pledge to do our part by promoting and supporting technology, education and safe practices.

The Task is Critical. The Mission is Clear.


Roadway and Highway Deaths in the U.S. for the Past 3 Years*

*National Safety Council


Damage, Productivity Loss and Medical Expenses from Motor Vehicle Injuries*

*Motor & Equipment Manufacturers Association (MEMA)


Vehicle Safety Enhancements on the Market Today That Can be Added to Any Vehicle*

*Mobile Electronics Magazine

“Technology that makes us aware, keeps us informed and provides safe options while driving can and does save lives.”

– Jeff Varick, Founder

News and Happenings

Vision Zero in Action

Rochester FD Upgrades Its Ambulance to Make a Life-Saving Vehicle Even Safer to Drive

Our Valued Partners

We thank the companies and brands that have committed to embracing Vision Zero standards in their products and practices.

Our Board Members